Your tax-deductible donation will support the general scholarship fund for the 2018 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison.
The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison is committed to ensuring equal access to the national conference regardless of socioeconomic status.
One-time conference attendance scholarships are available for students, family members, practitioners, corrections staff, volunteers, and all other members of our stakeholder community, and will cover the cost of travel, meals, accommodations and incidentals.
The National Conference for Higher Education in Prison offers a critical service to the higher education in prison community of practitioners. The 2018 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison is being hosted by the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison. The event provides its stakeholders, not only a collaborative venue, but a once-a-year opportunity to share space and engage in constructive dialogue about the higher education in prison landscape. The 2018 Conference theme "Building the Movement" represents our work to support programs throughout the country in their efforts to provide higher quality educational opportunities, to elevate the voices of current and former students and to grow the network of support that is vital to the success of the field.